Friday, March 30, 2007

The arduino source:

/* Pompie software to control the pump of a pond
* (c) Marco Dumont
* This is completly "do what you like with it" sourcecode
* The pupose is a device that switches the pump to the filter, a natural swamp filter off ->
* when it is to hot >30 or to cold <0>
* The time the pump is on is limited - the plants need time to filter the nutrians, so fuzzy controls should be used.
* Another advantage is that this saves energy.

#define ledPin 13 // LED connected to digital pin 13

#define pumpPin 12 // Pin switching the pump on/off
#define airPin 11 // Pin switching the airpump on/off

#define analog_temp_air 0 //analog temp of the air at 1 meter
#define analog_temp_surface 1 //temp of the watersurface
#define analog_temp_swamp 2 //temp of the water in the swamp

#define analog_water_level 3 //waterlevel

#define log_points_total 48
//number of log points

unsigned short log_point = 0;
unsigned short log_times[log_points_total];

unsigned int log_temps_swamp[log_points_total];
unsigned int log_temps_air[log_points_total];
unsigned int log_temps_surface[log_points_total];
unsigned int log_water[log_points_total];

//part of clock, here for compilation.
unsigned int c_hour = 0;
unsigned int c_second = 0;

unsigned int p_pump = LOW; //is pump on or of
unsigned int p_pump_time = 1800; //duration
unsigned int p_pump_frequency = 10; //pump n times
unsigned int p_pump_interval = 3600; //pump n times
unsigned int p_pump_max_time = 1800; //maximum durtion of pump != 0
unsigned int p_pump_max_frequency = 10;//maximum times of acivity of pump != 0
unsigned int p_pump_max_interval = 3600;//maximum time between pumps.
void p_calculate()
if (p_pump == LOW && c_hour > 5) // we do not annoy the nabours
// calculate the duration
float temp;
temp = min(min(analogRead(analog_temp_air),analogRead(analog_temp_surface)), analogRead(analog_temp_swamp));

if (temp < temp =" temp" temp =" temp" w =" (float(readLevelOfWater())" temp =" w;" p_pump_frequency ="=" p_pump_frequency =" p_pump_max_frequency" p_pump_time =" p_pump_max_time"> 0.200 &&amp;amp; p_pump_frequency > 0 && p_pump_time > 0 && p_pump_interval <= 0 ) { p_pump = HIGH; digitalWrite(pumpPin, HIGH);// pump on digitalWrite(ledPin, HIGH);// led on if (p_pump_interval <= 0) { p_pump_interval = p_pump_max_interval; } } } } void p_reset() { p_pump_time = p_pump_max_time; p_pump_frequency = p_pump_max_frequency; if (p_pump == HIGH) { p_pump = LOW; digitalWrite(pumpPin, LOW);// pump off digitalWrite(ledPin, LOW);// led off } } void p_clock_tick() { if (c_hour > 5) {
if (p_pump == HIGH)
if (p_pump_time <= 0) { p_pump = LOW; digitalWrite(pumpPin, LOW);// pump off digitalWrite(ledPin, LOW);// led off p_pump_frequency--; log_times[log_point]++; } } else { if (p_pump_frequency > 0)

void log_calc()
if (log_temps_swamp[log_point] == 0)
log_temps_swamp[log_point] = analogRead(analog_temp_swamp);
log_temps_air[log_point] = analogRead(analog_temp_air);
log_temps_surface[log_point] = analogRead(analog_temp_surface);
else {
log_temps_swamp[log_point] = (analogRead(analog_temp_swamp) + log_temps_swamp[log_point]) / 2;
log_temps_air[log_point] = (analogRead(analog_temp_air) + log_temps_air[log_point]) / 2;
log_temps_surface[log_point] = (analogRead(analog_temp_surface) + log_temps_surface[log_point]) / 2;
if (log_water[log_point] == 0)
log_water[log_point] = readLevelOfWater();

/* clock
unsigned long c_lastMillis = 0; // will store next time the clock was updated

void c_tick()
unsigned long now = millis();
if (now - c_lastMillis >= 1000)
c_lastMillis = now;
p_clock_tick(); //notify the pump
if ( c_second > 3600 )
c_second = c_second % 3600;
if (c_hour > 23)
c_hour = 0;
p_reset(); // reset pump module
log_point = log_point % (log_points_total + 1);
if (now - c_lastMillis <> 10000) {
c_lastMillis = now;

int readLevelOfWater()
int w = analogRead(analog_water_level) - 1023 ;
if (w < w =" w">_air),analogRead(analog_temp_surface)) <>25C fuzzy or air of water
min(analogRead(analog_temp_air),analogRead(analog_temp_surface)) > 190) ) // <0c c_lastmillis =" millis();" i="0;" log_point =" 0;" bytein =" 0;"> 0 && byteIn >= 0) {
byteIn =;
switch (byteIn) {
case 'e' :
c_hour = 0;
c_second = 0;
case 'h' :
case 'm' :
c_second = c_second + 60;
case 's' :
c_second = c_second + 10;
case 'f' :
p_pump_interval = 30;
case 't' :
Serial.print(c_hour, DEC);
Serial.print(c_second / 60, DEC);
Serial.println (c_second % 60, DEC);
Serial.println(c_lastMillis, DEC);
Serial.println(millis(), DEC);
case 'i' :
Serial.print(analogRead(analog_temp_air), DEC);
Serial.print(analogRead(analog_temp_surface), DEC);
Serial.print ('-');
Serial.print(analogRead(analog_temp_swamp), DEC);

case 'p' :
if (p_pump) Serial.print("on");
Serial.print(p_pump_interval, DEC);
Serial.print(p_pump_time, DEC);
Serial.println(p_pump_frequency, DEC);
case 'x' :
Serial.print("what / days;");
for (int i=0; i <= log_points_total; i++) { if (i == log_point) Serial.print("c"); else Serial.print(i, DEC); if (i != log_points_total) Serial.print(";"); } Serial.println (); Serial.print("surface;"); for (int i=0; i <= log_points_total; i++) { Serial.print((log_temps_surface[i]), DEC); if (i != log_points_total) Serial.print (";"); } Serial.println(); Serial.print("swamp;"); for (int i=0; i <= log_points_total; i++) { Serial.print((log_temps_swamp[i]), DEC); if (i != log_points_total) Serial.print(";"); } Serial.println(); Serial.print("air;"); for (int i=0; i <= log_points_total; i++) { Serial.print((log_temps_air[i]), DEC); if (i != log_points_total) Serial.print(";"); } Serial.println(); Serial.print("water;"); for (int i=0; i <= log_points_total; i++) { Serial.print(log_water[i], DEC); if (i != log_points_total) Serial.print(";"); } Serial.println(); break; } default : { Serial.println("e = reset clock, h hour + 1, s sec + 1, m min + 1, i sens., p pump inf, x exp. log"); } } } }